Linked Lotus Approach file showing incorrect characters



I am linking to a Lotus Approach (dbf) file that contains fields with
the ½ character. The font used in Lotus Approach is simply the Arial
font. Nothing special. However, in Access, the ½ character displays
as ╜. Interestingly enough, the ½ character can be created using ALT
+0189 on the keyboard, where â•œcan be created using alt+189, if this
sheds any light.

I have attempted to change the font settings in the Options for
datasheets but without any success.

The real problem is that when I connect to this Access database using
a web service and transfer data from the linked tables to my PocketPC
application, the ½ character does not transfer correctly. However, if
I enter the ½ character into a native access table, the ½ character
displays fine in Access and transfers and displays just fine to my
PocketPC application.

So, how do I get the ½ character in the linked Lotus Approach table to
display correctly in Access?

Sean M. Severson


I tried every font I have available and the ½ did not appear

Other observations.

If I open the dbf file in Lotus Approach and type Alt+0189, the ½
character appears correctly.

In Access, I insert new records into the linked dbf file and set a
column in each of the new records equal to Chr(x) where x is 1 to
256. The characters after chr(122)that appear in the dbf file viewed
in Lotus Approach are different than the characters as seen in the dbf
file viewed in MS Access. This leads me to believe that a different
code page is being used.

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