Linked PowerPoint slides as objects makes Word file size too big

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Trouble in engineering

I design training guides in Word XP that usually have PowerPoint
presentations associated with them. When the instructor should reference a
PowerPoint slide, the slide image is shown in the instructor's guide for his
or her reference. I used to save the PowerPoint as graphics and embed the
images in Word, but updating was too tedious, so I opted to link to the slide
images instead.

I have copied the slides and pasted them as linked objects in Word so that
any updates to the presentation would reflect in the Word doc. After saving
the project and preparing to e-mail it, I discovered that the size of my
document is 62 MB! If linked objects (they are NOT embedded) are supposed to
only reference the file, why did my document increase so drastically in size?
Is there something I should check? What can I do to remedy this situation?

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?VHJvdWJsZSBpbiBlbmdpbmVlcmluZw==?=,

Even if you're linking the objects, in order for Word to handle them as OLE
objects, it must embed the OLE environment (portions of the PowerPoint
application). Linking only pulls in the object's data from the outside, it
doesn't pull in the application, as well.

In my version of Word, I can choose a graphic format in Edit/Paste Special and
also activate the Link option.
I design training guides in Word XP that usually have PowerPoint
presentations associated with them. When the instructor should reference a
PowerPoint slide, the slide image is shown in the instructor's guide for his
or her reference. I used to save the PowerPoint as graphics and embed the
images in Word, but updating was too tedious, so I opted to link to the slide
images instead.

I have copied the slides and pasted them as linked objects in Word so that
any updates to the presentation would reflect in the Word doc. After saving
the project and preparing to e-mail it, I discovered that the size of my
document is 62 MB! If linked objects (they are NOT embedded) are supposed to
only reference the file, why did my document increase so drastically in size?
Is there something I should check? What can I do to remedy this situation?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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