Linked references in Word to multi-page Visio diagrams



I'm using Word 2003 and Visio 2003 on XP.

I've got a 10 page Visio document and want to include the diagrams in a
Word file. Embedding them as Visio objects is no problem, but I don't
want them embedded, I want it to link to the Visio file so that they
won't get separately edited and out of synch.

Linking one Visio diagram is no problem, but I can't figure out how to
specify the Word object so that it knows which page in the Visio file
it should be linked to. It seems that I only have file-level
specification, so that Word displays whichever page in Visio is the
default upon opening.

Is there something I'm missing? I really don't want to have to split
the Visio file into 10 separate files to create linked references.



I hadn't been able to do that because the Paste Link option was grayed
out. As a result, I tried Insert..Object.. with Link to File (or
whatever the exact options are), which couldn't distinguish between

It seems that the Paste Link doesn't work if you're trying to paste in
multiple objects from the Visio page. Grouping everything on the page
together solved that. It just means remembering to group everything in
Visio if I make edits.

I am curious, I was expecting the Paste Link option to keep the size of
the Word file low, but it's the same size as when the Visio was pasted
in not as a link. Is there a way around this, or is that just how it



Yes. I even took out the one other graphic, resaved it, and just a few
kb difference from dropping the jpeg. What my guess is, is that there
is a copy of the Visio diagram in the Word doc so that it will display
even if the Visio file isn't there. But, the link keeps them in synch,
and I assume you couldn't edit the image in the Word file without the
..vsd. This is totally untested/unconfirmed, just the only thing that
made some kind of sense.

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