Matthew Pfluger
Has anyone been able to create a linked table to a Member within a File in an
AS/400 Library?
I have an Access 2007 database that uses an iSeries DSN to connect to our
AS/400, and I'm able to use the "External Data, Import, ODBC Table" command
and interface to browse a list of tables. However, the table that I'm really
looking for is a member within one of these files. I borrowed some VBA & SQL
code from one of the DBA's, and it reads like this:
' Make the connection to the AS/400
Set ISeriesDataCN = New ADODB.Connection
ISeriesDataCN.Open "Provider=IBMDA400;Data Source=OSK2;" & _
"Force Translate=0", "", ""
Dim cmdtext as String
cmdtext = "SELECT $BLEVL, $BLITM, $BQNTY " & _
"FROM CPJDDTA81.F553090(U60597)"
ISeriesDataCM.CommandText = cmdtext
Set objRecordSet = New ADODB.Recordset
Set objRecordSet = ISeriesDataCN.Execute(cmdtext, varParms, adCmdText)
Is there any way that I can create a linked table from this information?
Matthew Pfluger
AS/400 Library?
I have an Access 2007 database that uses an iSeries DSN to connect to our
AS/400, and I'm able to use the "External Data, Import, ODBC Table" command
and interface to browse a list of tables. However, the table that I'm really
looking for is a member within one of these files. I borrowed some VBA & SQL
code from one of the DBA's, and it reads like this:
' Make the connection to the AS/400
Set ISeriesDataCN = New ADODB.Connection
ISeriesDataCN.Open "Provider=IBMDA400;Data Source=OSK2;" & _
"Force Translate=0", "", ""
Dim cmdtext as String
cmdtext = "SELECT $BLEVL, $BLITM, $BQNTY " & _
"FROM CPJDDTA81.F553090(U60597)"
ISeriesDataCM.CommandText = cmdtext
Set objRecordSet = New ADODB.Recordset
Set objRecordSet = ISeriesDataCN.Execute(cmdtext, varParms, adCmdText)
Is there any way that I can create a linked table from this information?
Matthew Pfluger