Linked Table



Is there any way around the 255 field limitations when linking through an
ODBC driver. I am linking to a table that has 404 fields. Only the first
255 appear when linking.

Douglas J. Steele

The 255 field limit is cast in stone. I believe that in the past I've
successfully linked a table that has more that 255 fields, then created a
query that has less than 256 fields in it. Unfortunately, I have nothing on
this machine that will let me test that recollection.



you're fucking wrong. Stop blaming people-- it's a crap limit in Jet,
and it's literally reason #1 I moved to ADP.

A lot of people legitimately have more than 255 columns.

Shit, even MS Project has almost more than 255 columns!

Stop blaming people just because your database (Jet) fucking sucks.



and for the record, (In SQL Server) you can have 200 columns in a
table, and another 200 computed columns-- you can actually have 1024
columns I think.

Computed columns against wide tables are very nice sometimes.

It's actually quite powerful... to write a formula _ONCE_ instead of

it's just that you're limited by your piece of shit database, you
fucking moron!


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