Linked Tables and VB6


Chris Mayers


I have the following setup:
On the client, a VB6 app which uses a Jet (Access) database containing
queries, also on the client. This database links to a Jet(Access) database
containg the data which lives on the server.

My question is this: If we need to change the location of the databse on the
server, how can I (programatically) update the 'link locations' of the
tables in the client database(es). You can't assume the MS-Access will exist
on the client.


Naresh Nichani MVP

Hi :

Try using this function to Links two tables - strShadow is the local
database path, strLinkedPath is the Path to Server database, tblName is name
of Table on Server and new tblName is name of table on client.

Public Function LinkTable(strShadow As String, strLinkedPath As String,
tblName As String, newtblName As String) As Boolean
'NN - 7/27
'returns True if successfull

On Error GoTo errHandler
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim tdfLinked As DAO.TableDef
Dim visPath As String

Set db = Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(strShadow)
Set tdfLinked = db.CreateTableDef(newtblName)
tdfLinked.Connect = "MS Access;DATABASE=" & strLinkedPath
tdfLinked.SourceTableName = tblName
On Error Resume Next
db.TableDefs.Delete newtblName
On Error GoTo errHandler
db.TableDefs.Append tdfLinked
LinkTable = True
Set db = Nothing

Exit Function
LinkTable = False
Msgbox err.Description
End Function


Naresh Nichani
Microsoft Access MVP

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