Linked Tables

  • Thread starter AccessIlliterate
  • Start date


I have a tabled linked between two databases. I use the ID from this table
for a second table in one of the databases. Currently, if I add an entry
into the linked table, it does not populate an entry into the second table.
Is there a way to do this?
Thank you


You may have to go to linked table manager and check or refresh the link.
Also make sure both have keys that will identify with the table key.

John W. Vinson

I have a tabled linked between two databases. I use the ID from this table
for a second table in one of the databases. Currently, if I add an entry
into the linked table, it does not populate an entry into the second table.
Is there a way to do this?
Thank you

A relationship *PREVENTS* the addition of an invalid record; it does not cause
new records to be automagically added to a table. In addition you cannot
enforce relationships across two databases.

Normally if you have two related tables you would use a Form for the "parent"
side of the relationship with a Subform for the "child", using the
parent/foreign key fields as the Master/Child Link fields of the Subform. A
new record will be created inheriting the key value as soon as the user enters
data into the subform; it is neither typical nor necessary to create an empty
"placeholder" record.


John, The place holder is needed becuase two people are entering in different
data for the same client record. The second person knows to enter the info
when there is a mostly blank record. I made the subform using a number as
the key to link the two tables, but now I cannot create a new record in
either the parent form or child subform. Also, when I created a new record
in the linked table, the new record did not appear in either form. Any

John W. Vinson

John, The place holder is needed becuase two people are entering in different
data for the same client record.

Are they entering the data *at the same time for the same record*, i.e. both
users have the same record open on their form at the same moment? If not,
Access *is* multiuser and can support different users updating the same table.
The second person knows to enter the info
when there is a mostly blank record. I made the subform using a number as
the key to link the two tables, but now I cannot create a new record in
either the parent form or child subform. Also, when I created a new record
in the linked table, the new record did not appear in either form. Any

What are the Recordsources for the main form and subform? Please post the SQL.
How (if at all) are the tables related? Why can't you create a new record -
what error do you get?

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