linked workbooks - how to move color as well as data?



We've got two excel workbooks. Workbook A is the master. Workbook B
has cells that point to cells in workbook A. So, when data changes in
A, the values change in B. So far so good.

Depending on the data in workbook A, the cells in that workbook may
change color. Workbook B gets the data, but not the color of the cell
containing the data. Is there any modification to the link that would
also pull over the cell color?

If not, is there an event that's fired when the data (from a link)
changes? it doesn't seem to fire the sheet changed event...

Jim Thomlinson

The short answer is no can do... Functions return values but not formats.
While you could do some macros they are going to be sub-optimal at best.


Try to copy the format of the cell in A to the cell in B. If the color
change is based on conditional formating that should do the trick.


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