What is the quickest way to link a horizontal sets of cells to a vertical
sets of cells?
I have a spreadsheet where my values I want to plot are horizontal. I want
to link these range of horizontal cells to a another s/s where the range is
listed vertically. (I can't chagne it - it has to remain this way) I have
about 25 sheets where I want to copy the link formula.
For EX:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 are my horizontal values on one s/s.
I want to link (copy)these over to a vertical set up.
I tried using an absolute reference in the link or reference formula, but
when I copy the formula to the remaining cells, it is not incrementing
properly. Someone said that you can't link horizontal and veritically...?
sets of cells?
I have a spreadsheet where my values I want to plot are horizontal. I want
to link these range of horizontal cells to a another s/s where the range is
listed vertically. (I can't chagne it - it has to remain this way) I have
about 25 sheets where I want to copy the link formula.
For EX:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 are my horizontal values on one s/s.
I want to link (copy)these over to a vertical set up.
I tried using an absolute reference in the link or reference formula, but
when I copy the formula to the remaining cells, it is not incrementing
properly. Someone said that you can't link horizontal and veritically...?