Linking a table from a Secure database



I have 2 database both with their own workgroup file(mdw) I like to link a
table from one secure database to the other secure database. Is this posible
with them having two different workgroup(mdw) files.

Tom van Stiphout

On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 12:30:01 -0800, cpager

I don't think so.
The more common scenario is where several apps are secured using the
same MDW. After all, if Joe is in the ShippingDept group, he is so for
all applications.

Microsoft Access MVP


Hi Tom, thanks for the reply.

So I create a the same user account in both mdw files, using the same name,
personal ID and put them both in the Admins group. I then login to database
one and tried to link a table from database two and got the “you don’t have
the necessary permissions messageâ€. I’m I doing something wrong?


I create a new group in both mdw files and add the new user to this group in
both databases and now it's working. I was able to link tables from database
two in database one.

thanks for you help guys!

Rick Brandt

cpager said:
Hi Tom, thanks for the reply.

So I create a the same user account in both mdw files, using the same
name, personal ID and put them both in the Admins group. I then login to
database one and tried to link a table from database two and got the “you
don’t have
the necessary permissions messageâ€. I’m I doing something wrong?

With the exception of the default System.mdw files generated during install
or by Access itself when it cannot find one, no two "Admins" groups are

I would expect what you tried above to work if you granted permissions to
the specific user account, but not virtue of the permissions you granted to
the Admins group.

David W. Fenton

Actually if a user or group is identically set up in more than one
workgroup file then they will be recognized as the same entity
when an mdb is checking permissions.

As long as that entity has all required permissions both the to
the front end file and the back end file then the linking would be
allowed regardless of the workgroup used.

That's assuming the same username/password and PID used when the
user was created in each workgroup file, and the same for any user
groups that are used for assigning permissions.

David W. Fenton

So I create a the same user account in both mdw files, using the
same name, personal ID and put them both in the Admins group. I
then login to database one and tried to link a table from database
two and got the ƒ oyou donƒ Tt have the necessary permissions
messageƒ . Iƒ Tm I doing something wrong?

Well, first off, you shouldn't be using the Admins group if you want
to secure your database. That's the first rule of securing with Jet
ULS -- don't provide access to any of the built-in users/groups that
are found in every workgroup file. You have to *remove* access for
those (or set it to read-only) in order to gain any control over
security settings at all.

Linda Dwyer

I've been struggling with this for a while and finally managed to get it to work. What we did was secure both databases with the same workgroup ID. When you secure the first one, the workgroup ID is printed on the Security Wizard Report. When you secure the second one, it will ask you what workgroup ID you want to use. It will automatically put a random string of numbers and letters in here, but delete this and enter the ID from database 1. I then continued as normal, I haven't used the same user IDs or anything. This then let me have a linked table from one database into the other.

If you have already secured the databases you could try going into workgroup administrator, clicking create, and creating a new workgroup with the same ID as the other database?

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