Hello. My group uses Access 97. I am working on creating a couple of
applications for a small group of users that I work with (about 10 people
will be using this database). I want to set permissions on it to allow
certain users (by ID) to use to access certain information. I have figured
out how to set permissions and add users, but when I do this, it applies to
the default system.mdw file. Is there a way that I can create a special .mdw
file for this database only? I only want them prompted for a Logon ID and
Password when they use this database, not any others that they use. Is this
possible? Can I create a new workgroup information file and set up all of my
permissions in there and then link this specific application (database) to
that .mdw (workgroup information file) file? And use the defualt system.mdw
file for all other Access databases? Please help!
Thank you.
applications for a small group of users that I work with (about 10 people
will be using this database). I want to set permissions on it to allow
certain users (by ID) to use to access certain information. I have figured
out how to set permissions and add users, but when I do this, it applies to
the default system.mdw file. Is there a way that I can create a special .mdw
file for this database only? I only want them prompted for a Logon ID and
Password when they use this database, not any others that they use. Is this
possible? Can I create a new workgroup information file and set up all of my
permissions in there and then link this specific application (database) to
that .mdw (workgroup information file) file? And use the defualt system.mdw
file for all other Access databases? Please help!
Thank you.