Linking an Access db to tables on the internet


Ken McLean

I would like to link an Access front-end database on a PC to an Access
back-end database stored on a web server on the internet. When I use the
File/Get External Data/Link Tables command from the front-end db and navigate
to the back-end file I get an Access error message saying "Not a valid file
name." Is there some other way the two databases can be linked? Thanks for
any suggestions.

Gijs Beukenoot

Ken McLean was zeer hard aan het denken :
I would like to link an Access front-end database on a PC to an Access
back-end database stored on a web server on the internet. When I use the
File/Get External Data/Link Tables command from the front-end db and navigate
to the back-end file I get an Access error message saying "Not a valid file
name." Is there some other way the two databases can be linked? Thanks for
any suggestions.

Exactly how do you navigate to this backend?

\\server\share\filename should work

ftp://user:p[email protected] won't work

Douglas J. Steele

Access doesn't recognize the http protocol (nor the ftp one, for that
matter). The only way you can link to an Access database is if you can
connect to the file either by mapping a drive, or using a UNC reference

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