Linking between multiple worksheets, workbooks and columns



I need help in finding information that moves daily in one workbook int
differenct columns of different worksheets to show on another linke
workbook. For example, Workbook A contains 10 worksheets. Dependin
on the status of work to be done, it will show up as being listed o
one of those 10 worksheets. As the status changes, it's location i
moved from one worksheet to another. It's location, column-wise
changes when it moves from one worksheet to another. Workbook B list
the items located in Workbook A, but is a single spreadsheet whic
needs to show where the item is located in Workbook A, by writing i
the name of the worksheet it is currently listed in. That way Workboo
B is basically a summary of Workbook A. I would like to revamp th
whole system, but the higher administrators won't accept changes, so
need to find some sort of formula or nesting formulas to looku
information in Workbook A to put on a summary sheet in Workbook B whe
the location of the information changes daily. Please help.

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