Linking bookmarks between two documents



HI, I've created a fairly complicated Word User Form that is to be populated
by bookmarks from another document, in another application. I've obtained all
the bookmarks and inserted them into the relevant table cells etc. e.g. Name,
Surname, DOB etc.
I'd now like to test my document by loading dumy data from a new document
using the same bookmarks.
As there are about 150 boookmarks, is there a simple way of linking the two
test documents, such that the bookmarks will link, and I can check the form
before I attemp to load it into it's proper Application.
It would seem fairly tedious to individually link each bookmark just for a
test ?

Cindy M.

Hi Graham,
I've created a fairly complicated Word User Form that is to be populated
by bookmarks from another document, in another application. I've obtained all
the bookmarks and inserted them into the relevant table cells etc. e.g. Name,
Surname, DOB etc.
I'd now like to test my document by loading dumy data from a new document
using the same bookmarks.
As there are about 150 boookmarks, is there a simple way of linking the two
test documents, such that the bookmarks will link, and I can check the form
before I attemp to load it into it's proper Application.
It would seem fairly tedious to individually link each bookmark just for a
test ?
I'm not sure I understand your question, but...

No, Word doesn't provide a way for you to say "link all bookmarks, separately,
into this document".

A quicker way than using Insert/File for each, however, would be to insert
IncludeText fields (the same thing Word does when you use Insert/File with a
Range and Link). Link to a bookmark, then press Alt+F9 to see the underlying
field code. You can copy / paste this, then change the bookmark name. Alt+F9
again to toggle the field result back on, then Ctrl+A, F9 to update the results.

More efficient would be to use a macro, which could open the source file, loop
through all the bookmarks, and create the fields in the target document. If
you're familiar with Word's object model that would probably be faster.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


HI Cindy
Thanks for your reply.
Your second paragraph effectively answered my question. Unfortunately
Macro's are way beyond my capabilities !
If I have to go through each bookmark individually to get it to work, I may
as well do it in the final application and test as I go.
I was hoping that there would be a simple solution such as a 'universal'
bookmark link!!

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