Linking cell in Excel to Folder in Outlook 2000


Norman Brooks

I have a contact list in Outlook that I wish to link to from Excel 2000

D:\MSOFFICE\OFFICE\OUTLOOK.EXE /select outlook:173

works perfectly from the RUN command. However, using the Hyperlink command
in cell formatting does not.

My wife runs a parking lot and needs to be able to click on a parking space,
say 201 in Excel and have the clients contact information come up from
Outlook. In this case the folder 173 contains all the information on a block
of contacts 173 to 210. 173 is by default a .xnt file but Excel doesn't by
default appear to be able to deal with one.

Any ideas ? I obviously need a different syntax or command line argument
than that required for opening a folder directly in Outlook.

Thanks in advance !

Norman Brooks

Kindly disregard ... Greg Mansius (MSFT) in Outlook.general solved the
problem for me.

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