linking cells question



Sorry know this is pretty basic stuff here I think. I have a formated
price sheet called sheet A which consists of product names and a
pricing table for each product. the layout for a few products is like
this; product A8, sizes C11-14 and price E11-14, Product A17, sizes
C20-25, price E20-25.
On sheet B you have 3 columns, Product A1-200, Sizes B1-200, Prices
C1-200. This sheet changes on a regular bases and can vary in size. Is
it possible to update Sheet A prices with a Vlookup in this situation
or what can I use to make this work in excel. Any input would be great.
I am pretty new to this.

Thanks for your help


Assuming you have ..

In sheet: B, cols A to C, data from row 2 to 100 (say)

Product Size Price
A1 B1 C1
A1 B2 C2
A2 B1 C3
A2 B2 C4

And in sheet: A,
you have a similar set-up

Product Size Price
A1 B1 ?
A2 B2 ?

Put in the formula bar for C2, then array-enter** the formula by
pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER [CSE] (instead of just pressing ENTER):


Copy C2 down to return the required results. Adapt the ranges to suit.

**Correctly array-entered, Excel will wrap curly braces: { } around the

formula in C2. Visually check that these braces are inserted by Excel
within the formula bar after you array enter. If you don't see it, then

the formula has not been correctly array-entered and you'd get wrong
results. If so, click inside the formula bar, and try the CSE again.

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