Linking Check boxes in InfoPath



I am new to InfoPath although I have used other Forms software solutions
where the linking or grouping of fields allows exclusive selection of check
boxes i.e. if I have a yes / no and don't know box where I only want the user
to be able to check one box how can I achieve this in info path. I have
inported my form from a Word template, added check boxes and drop down fields
with selectable values but I got to the stage where I was pulling my hair out
here on what is a simple operation on the other software I have used. Help

Thanks in anticipation

Clay Fox

I think you want radio buttons, those only allow one selected. Bind two to a
field one is set for yes the other no both cannot be selected concurrently.

Check boxes are for having multiple selections.


Thanks Clay Fox,
That is the conclusion I had come to which means that InfoPath is no good to
me for this particular project. I am not allowed to change the form layout as
such and the "check boxes" must be "check boxes"

I Know Omniform, Formdocs and Active Ink Forms allow the linking of check
boxes in this manor however, I thought for ease of distribution I would use
InfoPath as most people would have this available. Having used the other
applications InfoPath appears to be an over complicated not very user
friendly application that hasn't delivered what I expected from it so I will
dump it!!

Many Thanks



Thanks Clay Fox,
That is the conclusion I had come to which means that InfoPath is no good to
me for this particular project. I am not allowed to change the form layoutas
such and the "check boxes" must be "check boxes"

I Know Omniform, Formdocs  and Active Ink Forms allow the linking of check
boxes in this manor however, I thought for ease of distribution I would use
InfoPath as most people would have this available.  Having used the other
applications InfoPath appears to be an over complicated not very user
friendly application that hasn't delivered what I expected from it so I will
dump it!!

A "radio button" is just a round check box that does exactly what you
want. Of course, what it seems you need is the aesthetics of a check
mark versus a round dot, and if you're tied to having a square with a
check mark versus a circle with a dot, you'll probably find other
reasons to dump IP. On the technical side, you could very easily
create a rule that says if the yes check box is selected (yes box =
"Yes") then deselect the no check box (no box = "No") and conversely,
if the no check box is selected (no box = "Yes") then deselect the yes
box (yes box = "No")

Hope that helps.


Thanks for the reply.
You are correct with the aesthetics, the form design isn't mine to change,
it is long and complicated but the check boxes have to stay. I agree I could
create rule as you suggest, why couldn't it have been as simple as
highlighting the boxes, right clicking and telling it to link, or
group,(depending on the program), job done. Other apps are that easy IP just
seems over complicated and I guess I don't want to spend the time trying to
master it when I have other simpler solutions to hand.

Many Thanks for your help.


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