Jeff Hart
I work in WA State conducting fraud and elder abuse investigations. We have
a check list we use to ensure certain tasks are complete and set deadlines
for them to be completed. We have 15-20 of these investigations ongoing at
any time. I want to link the deadlines on the checklist with my outlook
calendar. I want to make sure that I don't have any conflicts, the dates I
am setting are not weekends etc, and have the calendar remind me of the up
coming deadlines.
Can this checklist, which is in word, be linked with my calendar or can I
create a template in outlook say in the TASK section.
Any help would be appreciated.
I work in WA State conducting fraud and elder abuse investigations. We have
a check list we use to ensure certain tasks are complete and set deadlines
for them to be completed. We have 15-20 of these investigations ongoing at
any time. I want to link the deadlines on the checklist with my outlook
calendar. I want to make sure that I don't have any conflicts, the dates I
am setting are not weekends etc, and have the calendar remind me of the up
coming deadlines.
Can this checklist, which is in word, be linked with my calendar or can I
create a template in outlook say in the TASK section.
Any help would be appreciated.