Dear Greg:
When you assign the logo now, you must find the path to the image file.
When you do so, I expect you're using an image control. Under the
properties of this control, under the Format tab, the second property is
Picture Type, which can be Embedded or Linked. So, as you said, "link" is
the key word here. If you embed it, it is placed into the database and is
not flexible.
Now, if you link to it, then the path to the object MUST be the same on
every computer at each company. The two companies can have different paths
and file names for it, and you would modify your softeare for that. This
could even be a network path, so there would be just one copy of the logo on
a "logo server" (I just made that up!). Set up properly, then every
computer at either client would have the same logo path and filename.
For me, I have chosen to embed such a logo. That overcomes the "path"
difficulty.and provides me with a benefit. If someone steals a copy of the
software their copy would print the logo of my client's company on all the
documents that are to be sent out by mail. No one would want that! So,
it's a bit of copy protection. If you don't destribute the MDB, it can't
easily be changed, either.
I even had a client sell their company to another. This meant I had early
contact with the purchasing company, and some initial work to do for them.
I don't consider this mean and nasty, but good, prudent business. I own the
software, not the clients (especially in the case of a vertical package for
multiple clients, which I resell and license accordingly. My terms for a
new company who buy-out an existing client are lenient, but I at least like
to meet the new people early on.
Tom Ellison