Linking data from imported Excel Worksheets



Sorry if this has been covered before but...
I have three worksheets containing the following info
WS1 - Asset codes
Asset titles
Establishment titles (some repeated on WS2)
Establishment codes
Establishment addresses
NB Each establishment has more than one instance of an asset so the
establishment details are repeated for each instance of asset.

WS2 - Grouping of establishments
Smaller grouping of establishments
Establishment titles (all repeated on WS1)
Trades of people by department
Grade of people by department

WS3 - Sub Assembly
Task code
Task title

NB Not all the tasks are to be carried out on each asset.

I am trying to link the data together and my aim is to:-

1. Identify, by area what tasks are to be carried out
2. Identify, by establishment what tasks are to be carried out
3. Identify, by grade, what tasks are to be carried out

My problems are:-

1. Inputting data so that it populates more than one record at a time.
2. Linking the two tables so that a table can show both the assets and
people who will work on them.

Eg One establishment has 10 assets, it has 5 people who have differing
competencies will work on the assets. There are 15 differing tasks to be
carried out on each asset.

For the scale of the task WS1 has c65000 rows, WS2 has c3800 rows and WS3
has 20 rows.

If anybody can help I would be eternally grateful!


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