Linking drop-down menu to shopping cart


Graeme Harris

I am a beginner trying to edit an existing website. Currently, for each
item, you click on BUY button and item is added to cart. I wish to replace
this with a drop-down menu to select other options such as size, colour etc.
I have created drop-down box form but cannot seem to be able to link this to

Other info..

Clicking original button is linked to Form name: order79
Original link seems to be <a href="#" onClick='AddToCart(document.order79)'>

Original order 79 section is...

<FORM NAME=order79>
<input type=hidden name="PRICE" value="5.00">
<input type=hidden name="NAME" value="Black Nylon/Lycra Jazz Pants">
<input type=hidden name="ID_NUM" value="79">
<input type=hidden name="SHIPPING" value="0.00">
<input type=hidden size=2 maxlength=3 name=QUANTITY value="1">

I would like options for size, colour as a drop-down selection

Hope someone can help because this is driving me nuts!

Contact e-mail is (e-mail address removed)


Stefan B Rusynko

Contact your shopping cart supplier
- they need to support any changes you make to the cart forms or scripts

| Hi
| I am a beginner trying to edit an existing website. Currently, for each
| item, you click on BUY button and item is added to cart. I wish to replace
| this with a drop-down menu to select other options such as size, colour etc.
| I have created drop-down box form but cannot seem to be able to link this to
| cart.
| Other info..
| Clicking original button is linked to Form name: order79
| Original link seems to be <a href="#" onClick='AddToCart(document.order79)'>
| Original order 79 section is...
| <FORM NAME=order79>
| <input type=hidden name="PRICE" value="5.00">
| <input type=hidden name="NAME" value="Black Nylon/Lycra Jazz Pants">
| <input type=hidden name="ID_NUM" value="79">
| <input type=hidden name="SHIPPING" value="0.00">
| <input type=hidden size=2 maxlength=3 name=QUANTITY value="1">
| I would like options for size, colour as a drop-down selection
| Hope someone can help because this is driving me nuts!
| Contact e-mail is (e-mail address removed)
| Thanks

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