Linking Excel Datasheet to Powerpoint Charts


Kunal Savdharia


I am trynig to present charts in powerpoint which gets
its data from excel spreadsheet. Does anyone know how to
do this.

I tried using the link function but it does not update
the data when teh excel spreadheet has been updated.

Please help!


Steve Rindsberg

I am trynig to present charts in powerpoint which gets
its data from excel spreadsheet. Does anyone know how to
do this.

I tried using the link function but it does not update
the data when teh excel spreadheet has been updated.

You'll have better luck if you create your chart in Excel from your Excel
Generally, create the chart on a separate chart sheet, save the XLS file,
then select the chart.
Switch to PPT, choose Edit, Paste Special, click Link and click OK.

Brian Reilly, MS MVP

As Steve says, "Don't do that" (g), but if you are going to do that,
why did you do that (g), you have to activate the embedded OLE object,
the MS Graph chart, in order for that to update the data in the MS
Graph datasheet from the Excel file.

MS Graph is it's own application and is actually not part of native
PPT which is why this is necessary. As Steve says, make the chart in
XL and pastespecial + Link from there.

Brian Reilly, PowerPoint MVP

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