LINKing image using a conditional parameter


Bold Creature


I need to merge three images (coloured circles) into a file, depening o
a status in the data:
- red circle if value is RED
- amber circle if value is AMBER
- green circle if value is GREEN

I found how INCLUDEPICTURE allows me to insert images in Word, but ho
do I use the IF... THEN rule to include the correct image?

Many thanks

Lisa Wilke-Thissen

I need to merge three images (coloured circles) into a file,
depening on a status in the data:
- red circle if value is RED
- amber circle if value is AMBER
- green circle if value is GREEN
I found how INCLUDEPICTURE allows me to insert
images in Word, but how do I use the IF... THEN rule
to include the correct image?

{ IF { MERGEFIELD Status } = "RED"
"{ INCLUDEPICTURE the_red_one }"
"{ IF { MERGEFIELD Status } = "AMBER"
"{ INCLUDEPICTURE the_amber_one }"
"{ IF { MERGEFIELD Status } = "GREEN"
"{ INCLUDEPICTURE the_green_one }" "" }" }" }

The pairs of brackets { } have to be inserted by pressing Ctrl + F9.

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