briank said:
What I am looking for is a way to alter my laptop's drive name (i.e.
partitition) so I can make my revisions and paste back to my work's
This way I will not have to relink everything under Linked Table Manager.
Any thoughts?
Actually the best solution is to simply use the linked table manager as
furthermore as a general rule, you don't wnat to use drive letters, but but
should be using the full server name path name as follows
e:\DataBase1\backEnd.mdb <--- bad, don't use
\\servername\DataBase1\Backend.mdb < -- this is good
On the other hand if you're not going to be able to be present, or need to
have the users to do this linking process without having to use the linked
table manager (such as when you use the runtime), then you simply need to
roll some of your own code.
It don't take a lot of time after dealing with linked tables, you'll quickly
realize that you'll need to write some kind of code or library of code to
manage and deal with this problem.
it is possible to download a free copy of windows virtual's PC. VPC will
allow you to create another copy of windows running on your computer that
can behave like the server, and you can also give that virtual computer the
same path name/server name that you use at work.
However as think it just makes a lot of sense to build and design a linked
table system that will serve you for years to come and even beyond just
using this one particular server name. you need a solution to manage this
problem that comes up all the time, so I suggest the following:
the best solution is to use the re-link code here:
You can on startup have your application check if the backend is not
present, and then have it prompt the user for the back and location, or even
perhaps better simply have the backend location stored in a local front end
table (I used to have a local table in the front and that actually love me
to type and location of the backend, and then if it can't find the back end,
it would run the reeling code with the path name from the table).
the code to pop open the file open dialog browse can also be found here
Between the two above code routines, just about every developer here at
some point in time has developed a library of routines to manage this
It's not clear why you simply can't use the linked table manager most cases,
but if you're unable to, or don't want to risk having this kind of hassle
for your users, then the simple solution is to cobble together some routines
using above to codec samples.