I posted a question a few days ago regarding how to link tables. After I
tried to impliment some answers I realized that I need some further guidance.
To reiterate, there is a fr and be mdb file at work. Both files are on the
network drive. I would like to copy these files and place on my laptop to do
work from home. The problem of course are the links.
One reply (suggestions by Albert Kallal) was to follow some code
http://www.mvps.org/access/tables/tbl0009.htm). His suggestions seems sound
but perhaps this is a little over my head. It seems that I need something a
little simplier. Is it possible to create two command buttons, one of which
will record the table's existing linked paths (i.e network paths) in a table
and relink these tables to my laptop's c: drive. Then I can do my database
modifications. Upon returning to the office, I can click on the second
button and the original network links would be restored. Since I will be the
only one in the office doing this I am wondering if this is a good approach?
tried to impliment some answers I realized that I need some further guidance.
To reiterate, there is a fr and be mdb file at work. Both files are on the
network drive. I would like to copy these files and place on my laptop to do
work from home. The problem of course are the links.
One reply (suggestions by Albert Kallal) was to follow some code
http://www.mvps.org/access/tables/tbl0009.htm). His suggestions seems sound
but perhaps this is a little over my head. It seems that I need something a
little simplier. Is it possible to create two command buttons, one of which
will record the table's existing linked paths (i.e network paths) in a table
and relink these tables to my laptop's c: drive. Then I can do my database
modifications. Upon returning to the office, I can click on the second
button and the original network links would be restored. Since I will be the
only one in the office doing this I am wondering if this is a good approach?