Linking Main Contact Table



Hi All,
I am new to access, and attempting to set up a database to log incoming
requests. Within this database, there will be three different types of
contacts (PM, LE and REQ). For each indivdual request, these people will
most likely all be different names-but generally the contact named will be
interchangable. I have made a contacts table, and assigned each contact with
a contact ID (Autonumber). For the end product, I'd like to be able to have
a drop down menu with all the last names available for me to see while
picking each contact. I'm not sure how to link the tables, and how to do
this in the form, can anyone help? Let me know if you need more detail.
I've tried everything I know!


Thank you so much for your help!



Sorry, I forgot to add that I would like (once i've chosen the contact last
name) if the contacts other information would populate into their fields (ie
phone number, first name...) thank you!

Mark Andrews


In general you probably want a combobox with multiple columns of contact
information and when one contact is choosen you fill in other fields using
something like Me.txtWhatever = Me.ComboContact.Column(2).

If interested I could share a free contact-based Access2007 CRM template
with you.
You would need to explain what you want to do a little better.

Perhaps we could do a simple one on one training.

You might also consider picking up a book or two on Access.

see my site if you are interested,
RPT Software


yeah, I have the Access 2007 Bible, and I'm scheduled to take a class next
Wednesday, but I've been trying to struggle through this since they need this
database set up as soon as possible. I'm trying to create a form that
mirrors the form that these guys will fill out, so data entry will be easy
since I'll be the only one doing it. I'd like to be able to start typing the
last name of each contact, and have the rest of the information automatically
filled in.

Here is a description of how I've got my database set up:

TblMaster: AutoNumber; EstimateID; DateOfEntry; EstimatorID, EstLastName;
EstFirstName; EstStartDate; EstDueDate; TypeOfEst; RevVersion; ProjectID;
ProjectTitle; LeadEngineer (long integer format to link with contactID) ;
LELastName; LEFirstName; ProjectDescription; ProjectManager (long integer
format to link with contactID); PMLastName; PMFirstName; ReqName (long
integer format to link with contactID); ReqLastName;
ReqFirstName;CustomerName; WBS; DateRequested

TblContacts: ContactID; CntFirstName; CntLastName; CntCompany; CntPhone;
CntFax; CntEmail

TblEstimators (for estimators only, not interchangable with contacts):
EstID; EstFirstName; EstLastName; EstCompany; EstPhone; EstFax; EstEmail

TblTypeOfEstimate: EstTypeID; EstType

I'm not sure how much that might help you, but i thought it might be better
to give to much information rather than too little. Let me know what else
you need. I've heard mixed reviews about the class I'm scheduled to take,
and there is a good chance that he wouldnt be willing to answer my specific
questions. I may need to do the simple one on one training, but won't know
until the end of the class, two Wednesdays from now.

Thank you so much for your help, I appreciate it and know it can't be easy
to try to understand all of this typed out like this!

Mark Andrews


In general the tables look like they might be designed ok, except for

If you have a form where users are filling in info for a service call
(tblMaster) of some sort and the user picks a contact from a dropdown
which is bound to the contactID of the service call (tblMaster). you can use
the afterupdate event of the contact combobox to have some code
which populates some fields on the form. The contact comobox could have 10
columns of information with 9 of the 10 being hidden and only the 2nd column
being visible which shows the contact name, in code in the afterupdate event
you can assign other fields values by using code such as:
Me.txtField1 = Me.ComboContact.Column(3)

1. try and learn database design and get the tables right
2. learn form basics, different controls etc...
3. learn events behind forms

Most Access developers have an arsonal of code they use when building an
app, lots of which can be pulled off various MVP sites
such as linking tables at startup, splashscreens, interacting with the
filesystem, reporting routines etc.... It's a good idea to get to a point
you have a basic app which has a lot to steal from or start with when
building a new app.

Give me a call after you get done with classes and I'll help you get started
RPT Software

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