Linking pages that I don't want on the navigation bars




Using: MS Office Publisher 2003

Is there a way to/how does one, link created pages to different pages
without having the pages listed in/linked to the navigation bars? For
example, I have created a "directions" page that I want linked to my "contact
us" page but I don't want the "directions" page listed on my navigation bars.

Thank you for any help,

Don Schmidt

How about creating a "Directions page" as a pdf file with a link to download

Or how about a link to MapQuest listing the route and showing a map. See a
sample of this at:

Click on Driving directions link below "Lodge Meeting Location"
In the from address just put in the city, Vancouver and state WA.



Personally I would approach it a bit different than Don. I would create your
"directions" page in a new Publisher web document, and upload the index.html
file and the supporting images to a subfolder on your site. If you called
the subfolder "directions", then the link from your "contactus" page, would
To understand the concept of building a website with multiple Publisher
files reference:
"Building a web site with multiple Publisher web publication files":

If you prefer to keep the "directions" page a part of your original
Publisher file, but don't want to add it to your navbar that can be done
too. Go to your last page of your current Publisher file. Insert > Page and
a dialog will appear that gives you the option to add different page types.
At the bottom of this dialog is a "more..." button. click it and you get
another dialog that gives you the choices of inserting a page before or
after the current page (choose after), and make your choice under options,
and then untick the box "add hyperlink to navigation bars", and click ok.
your new page will be added but the navbar will be unchanged.

Then while on your new page go to Tools > Web page options. In this dialog
type in the page title, and under file name, optionally name the page
"directions.htm". Fill in the Description and keywords and click ok.

Now on your contacts page, assuming that you have some text that says click
here for directions, then select the "click here" and Insert > Hyperlink >
Place in this document and choose the directions page. OK Or you could write
an absolute link, in which case Insert > Hyperlink > Existing file or Web
page and in the address field type:

Like I said, I prefer using multiple publisher files so that in the future I
don't have to change my main Publisher document for my main site, only the
Directions Publisher doc, plus in the future you can add as many subfolders
and use as many different Pub files as you want. But to each their own...


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