Linking PDF files



I'm having trouble linking my excel document to PDF files. I need to b
able to click on the invoice number and look at the scanned image o
the invoice. We can link current invoices that were generated on th
puter, but not back invoices we've scanned in the past for eas
access.:confused: Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm pullin
out what little hair I have left. Thanks alot


When I want to link to a document, I select the "Inser Hyperlink" icon then
navigate to the required file in the "Look in" field of the dialog


I've tried that and the icon in the toolbar, But it won't let m
navigate to the image. It will let me see the folder but when I clic
on the folder, it's empty. I can go into "My Documents" and look a
them in the folder, so I know they are there. Excel won't recognize th
PDF files. Help.
When I want to link to a document, I select the "Inser Hyperlink" ico
navigate to the required file in the "Look in" field of the dialog


Do you navigate using the "Look in" field, or by clicking the "Browse for
file" button?
If it's the browse button, you need to change the file type as the default
is for Office files. Alternatively, type the full path to the file in the
address field of the "Edit hyperlink" dialog

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