Linking/Placing different texts in one textdocument to the right document by giving theseparts a nam

  • Thread starter Martin_asks/answers
  • Start date


Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: intel

As a creative person I usually think of different ideas just one after another. To not forget them, I write them down, with a ballpoint or pencil, on every kind of piece of paper I can find wherever I happen to be. Soon then I will have "a collection". Then I start up my iMac and open a new Word text document and type down what I wrote by hand. (I know that there are small hand computers etc. which can be linked to my desktop computer, but somehow I prefer the good old ballpoint). And now it comes... I give a heading (name) to every idea I type down. Sometimes more than one heading too. These headings correspond with equally named text documents in which I would like to "store" them (for composing texts about that subject later on). Is there a way that I can automate my different ideas landing RIGHT AWAY in the right document?


Daiya Mitchell

Hi Martin,

Personally, I'd say don't bother with Word at all for this purpose.
There are programs designed to make what you describe easy, and if you
create each note as a new snippet of text instead of in the same file
(little more trouble than giving it a heading), then the program will
easily offer ways to group snippets with the same heading, even if it's
just a "list by title" sort. Some programs, such as
DevonThink/DevonNote, promise to do a text analysis that should
automatically link snippets using the same words. You'll be able to copy
and paste from any of them into Word, and I'm sure at least some of them
will let you select a bunch of snippets and export them all to the same
RTF or Word doc. All will offer demo versions that you can try for free
to see which one suits you best, and you'll likely find that a program
designed for this will let you do even more than you are asking for--eg,
if you ever see images or webpages you want to add to your "write about"
list, it'll be easier than in Word.

This one might be perfect for you:

There are a *lot* of good Mac programs in this niche. Here's a nice
review that discusses some of the options, though it's a little old and
the programs have moved forward since:
or this review is not finished yet, but the intro may be helpful:
--much simpler than the other ones, but possibly might meet your needs

Here's some recent replies to a similar question, although this person
seemed to want a program she could write in as well as just collect
information, but people respond with both types of suggestions:
(subject: "Writing/quotes app")


Daiya Mitchell

Also, how many of these "Write About Topic X" documents do you have? You
could easily put 5-6 documents on the Work menu in Word, so that they
are always easily accessible, and just enter the ideas in the right
document in the first place. Hitting cmd-~ to switch to the right
document shouldn't be any more trouble than typing a heading. (Beyond a
certain number of lists, this might get annoying or confusing)

I'm a novice scripter so not the best judge, but I don't think the
script you describe would be easy to write (and I think the RIGHT AWAY
part would not be feasible), and it would require you to be absolutely
consistent in some ways that might get annoying. Eg. if the document is
named "Ideas about Sailors" and your heading was "Sailor Idea", the
script might fail, although a human, or a search on "Sailor" in one of
the alternate programs I recommended, would connect those two things
with no problem.

John McGhie

Hi Martin:

Word 2007 on the PC will do this easily. That's what "XML Structure View"
is for.

But we do not have that on the Mac in this version.

If you were cunning and inventive, you could make Excel do this :) It
would involve some interesting coding.

Daiya's suggestion sounds best :)


Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: intel

As a creative person I usually think of different ideas just one after
another. To not forget them, I write them down, with a ballpoint or pencil, on
every kind of piece of paper I can find wherever I happen to be. Soon then I
will have "a collection". Then I start up my iMac and open a new Word text
document and type down what I wrote by hand. (I know that there are small hand
computers etc. which can be linked to my desktop computer, but somehow I
prefer the good old ballpoint). And now it comes... I give a heading (name) to
every idea I type down. Sometimes more than one heading too. These headings
correspond with equally named text documents in which I would like to "store"
them (for composing texts about that subject later on). Is there a way that I
can automate my different ideas landing RIGHT AWAY in the right document?


Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP, Word and Word:Mac
Sydney, Australia. mailto:[email protected]



Thank you very much for your valuable hints, Daiya and John! It will take some time for me to explore all, but I will.

I have hundreds of these. I am both a laywer, journalist and writer to be, and I call them "help files", 'cause they really are very helpfull for me when I'm composing a text on a certain subject with good arguments etc.



John McGhie

Hi Martin:

You should be investigating one of the legal content management systems,
such as LEAP -- These are purpose-designed for the kind of thing you are

Eventually, the amount of time taken to make Office do this will interfere
with your day job.

But for now: Construct a simple "Web Site" on your computer, with links to
your documents. That will give you a one-click access to all your "bits"
without having to do a lot of fiddling :)



Thank you very much for your valuable hints, Daiya and John! It will take some
time for me to explore all, but I will.

I have hundreds of these. I am both a laywer, journalist and writer to be, and
I call them "help files", 'cause they really are very helpfull for me when I'm
composing a text on a certain subject with good arguments etc.




Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP, Word and Word:Mac
Nhulunbuy, NT, Australia. mailto:[email protected]

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