Linking presentations



I followed the directions to link presentations and it worked fine on my
desktop PC with two different presentations. I copied all files in each of
the two directories onto separate disks using Package for CD. When I play the
presentations on my laptop, one works fine. For the other, I get the message
"PowerPont Viewer does not support opening linked or embedded objects."
What's up with that?

TAJ Simmons

I followed the directions to link presentations and it worked fine on my
desktop PC with two different presentations.

Is this from the help files of powerpoint ?

It sounds like you have embedded a presentation within another presentation.
When I play the presentations on my laptop, one works fine. OK

For the other, I get the message
"PowerPont Viewer does not support opening linked or embedded objects."
What's up with that?

'Other' as in the 'other' presentation OR on anOTHER PC ?

TAJ Simmons
microsoft powerpoint mvp

awesome - powerpoint backgrounds,
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Not from the PP help files, but from the site suggested on this board
("awesome pp backgrounds, linking tutorial..."). As I said, it worked with
one presentation, but not the other. And when I referred to other, I meant
the other presentation, both of which I moved to my laptop. Both
presentations (each in separate directiories with their own linking to other
presentations within those directories) work as they are supposed to on my


Actually, the links were to a slide in another presentation. Same in both

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