Linking Problem



I ve not been able to link one sheet in Excel File to another sheet.
Generally we can link the two sheets in one file by using + or = sign and
then by either typing the cell reference or clicking the reference cell.
However, when I try to use it, it links correctly if I type the reference
cell but either shows ref! or remains in the same sheet, if I try to link it
by giving the cell reference in different sheet through mouse. I'm using
Windows XP and Xcel 2003.


I'm going strictly on a hunch here, but this might be the problem. First,
I'm assuming you want to link to a worksheet within the same file. Let's say
you have one sheet called "Data" another called "More Data" and still
another called "Still More Data". O.k?

If you wanted to link cell A1 of "More Data" to cell A1 of "Data", your
formula could be: =Data!A1. But, if you then wanted to link cell A1 of
"Still More Data" to A1 of "More Data", it would need to be expressed as
='More Data'!A1. The difference is the ' ' around the name of the worksheet,
"More Data". "More Data" is not seen as a unifiied name unless it is
expressed as 'More Data', whereas Data IS because it does not have any
spaces. Its just a quirk of Excel. To be safe, always express names of
worksheets within the needed 'Worksheet Name' followed by ! and then the cell
rererence to let Excel know what cell you are referencing. For example, to
reference cell A1 in "More Data" from cell A1 of "Still More Data", use
='More Data'!A1. Please reply if this is not the problem.


Dear Yacbo, thanks a lot for ur reply
Even if I link worksheets, like default worksheets e.g. sheet1, sheet2,
sheet3 without spaces, then also I am not able to link the sheets.

As in my previous mail, I have mentioned that although I am able to link two
sheet in one file by typing the formula (as u have mentioned in ur reply) but
I'm not able to link two sheets in one file with the help of mouse e.g. if I
try to link cell A7 of "Data" Sheet in "More Data" sheet in B55 Cell with the
help of mouse, it should come back to "More Data" sheet. but instead it
remains in the "Data" sheet and shows either 0 or ref! in cell B55 in "Data"


I'm at a loss. If you open a new worksheet you should be able to type = and
then navigate to the cell you want to link with your mouse, left click it,
and then press enter. If this doesn't work, you are beyond my pay grade.


I am having the same problem. I can link to cells in other worksheets or
workbooks if I type in the formula (which is very long since the workbooks
are shared on a network drive & have very long pathnames), but I can't use
the mouse to click on cells in other worksheets or workbooks. It won't let
me click on the cell, it's like it's a protected workbook except that none of
them are protected & never have been. Any ideas??

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