Linking Question (long, sorry!)



Hello. I am a teacher hoping to use an Excel spreadsheet to convert
between my pen & paper gradebook and our temperamental computerized
gradekeeper. The problem is in the order of the student's names.

In my regular (paper) gradebook, students are listed in numbered rows,
so as I get a new student, I have to add his/her name to the bottom of
the list, no matter what letter the name starts with. The electronic
gradebook, however, is strictly alphabetical. So as I continue to add
students, my gradebook will look like (1. Adams 2. Davis 3. Smith
4. Moore (added later) 5. Franklin (added last). Meanwhile, the
computer gradebook will look like (1. Adams 2. Davis 3. Franklin 4.
Moore 5. Smith)

Obviously it's easier to enter using 10-key when I can just go straight
down the list, so I can't go straight from paper gradebook (number
order) to electronic gradebook (alphabetical order). Instead, what I'd
like to do is have one Excel workbook that mirrors the number order of
names in my paper gradebook, and one workbook that mirrors the
alphabetical order of names in the computer gradebook. Each row would
be a student's name, and each column would be an assignment/grade.

Since I'm inputting assignment/grades continuously, I'd like to be able
to (in advance), link a bunch of cells (say, 25 columns worth) in the
Franklin student row from the first worksheet (row 5) to the second
worksheet (row 3). Note that the cells would be empty, since I haven't
input any grades yet!

Then, as I input the first assignment, I can 10-key grades from the
gradebook into the number-order workbook, and it will automatically
link them to the correct row(s) in the alphabetical order workbook.
Then the second workbook will already have the grades in alphabetical
order for transfer to the computerized gradebook.

I'm sorry if I'm not explaining this well. It's just that entering the
grades will be done several days a week over the course of six weeks -
so it won't really be feasible to continue to link each grade for each
student as I go. I'd rather link them in bulk at the beginning, and
have them automatically transfer.

Can this be done? Any help will be MUCH appreciated!

David McRitchie

Or you just have a column with the student number (row in paper gradebook)
and sort on that, or sort on the lastname, firstname as desired.


Talk about missing the forest for the trees, eh? I completely spaced o
having a column for numbers. I feel like a fool, but thank you

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