Linking Several Worksheets to One Worksheet



Here is the problem that I am having:

I have a worksheet in my workbook for each department's budget. There are
five departments. I then have another worksheet that I want to combine all
of the details from each of the worksheets into the combined worksheet.

Basically, I have several categories with detail in each of them in the five
worksheets. I then want to take the detail within each category and combine
the detail to fit in the category on a combined worksheet.

I am able to initally do this, but when I want to add detail to one of the
worksheets, I am unable to get that to show up on the combined worksheet.

For example:

Detail WS #1
Category A
Item #1
Item #2

Category B
Item #3
Item #4

Detail WS #2
Category A
Item #5
Item #6

Category B
Item #7
Item #8

Combined WS
Category A
Item #1
Item #2
Item #5
Item #6

Category B
Item #3
Item #4
Item #7
Item #8

What I want to do it add Item #9 to Category A on Detailed WS #1 and have
that update in the Combined WS so it looks like:

Combined WS
Category A
Item #1
Item #2
Item #9 <-Updated after I put this in Detailed WS #1
Item #5
Item #6

Can anybody help?


Category B
Item #3
Item #4
Item #7
Item #8

Dave Peterson

How about an alternative (if it's not too late...):

Put the Category in a column on each row in each worksheet--each worksheet would
look like:

Category A Item#1
category A Item#2
Category B Item#3
Category B Item#4

Then you could just copy|paste to the first available row and sort by whatever
you wanted (item or category).

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