Linking sheets



I just posted but i forgot to give a e-mail address.
Could you please send the information to
(e-mail address removed). In case you haven't seen the
other posting, my question is I have to set up a macro to
paste charts and table from excel into word. I dont know
where to begin. Should I link the two? If so, how? Then
what? Thanks again

Ken Wright

I would just copy the chart in Excel and paste link it into Word. That way you will have a
dynamic chart that as you update it in Excel, the updates will flow through to the Word Document
if it is also open. If it isn't open, it will prompt you as to whether you wish to update when
you do open it.

Earl Kiosterud


This post should have been posted as a follow-up (reply) to your original
post. This keeps the thread together.

Putting your real email address in a post will eventually result in over 100
spams per day. THat's why I have a new email address. One must weed
through (or use some kind of filter) to get the legitimate email. It's a

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