Linking SQL Tbls w/form listbox



I am using code/form from "Access Programming 2000 for Dummies" to link table
from an SQL server to Access db. I have Doug Steele's and Joe Fallon's code
on this from previous answers to questions, which is a little beyond me
(conceptwise) at this time. I would like to understand the particulars
first. Okay, I am getting to the question...

I cannot get the below code to work... Can someone help me out. I get
either a Runtime 3421 data type conversion, or 3734 Database has been placed
in state, etc. I have referenced DAO 3.6 library and open database
exclusively, with no luck. I also went to the website and downloaded updates
to no avail.

Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim Lnk As TableDef
Set Lnk = CurrentDb.CreateTableDef(Mid(Me.List0, 10))
Lnk.SourceTableName = Mid(Me.List0, 10)
Lnk.Connect = "ODBC;DSN=MSAToSQL;UID=ID;PWD=password"
CurrentDb.TableDefs.Append Lnk
DoCmd.OpenTable Mid(Me.List0, 10)
End Sub

Thanks in advance!

Douglas J. Steele

What is Me.List0 and what does it contain when you're trying to run the

Try changing your routine to:

Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim Lnk As TableDef
Dim strOutput As String

strOutput = "I'm going to use the following statements:" & vbCrLf & _
"CurrentDb.CreateTableDef(" & Mid(Me.List0, 10) & ")" & vbCrLf & _
"SourceTableName = " & Mid(Me.List0, 10) & vbCrLf & _
"Does that sound about right?"

If MsgBox(strOutput, vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
Set Lnk = CurrentDb.CreateTableDef(Mid(Me.List0, 10))
Lnk.SourceTableName = Mid(Me.List0, 10)
Lnk.Connect = "ODBC;DSN=MSAToSQL;UID=ID;PWD=password"
CurrentDb.TableDefs.Append Lnk
DoCmd.OpenTable Mid(Me.List0, 10)
End If
End Sub

What shows in the message box? Does it look right?


Hi Doug,

Thanks for taking a interest in my problem. Me.List0 is an unbound listbox
containing the tables from the server. It is filled by the following code:

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim DBS As Database
Dim Tbl As TableDef
Dim Tablelist
Set DBS = OpenDatabase("MSAtoSQL", _
dbDriverNoPrompt, False, _
For Each Tbl In DBS.TableDefs
Tablelist = Tablelist & Tbl.Name & ";"
With Me.List0
.RowSourceType = "Value List"
.RowSource = Tablelist
End With
End Sub

When I copied and pasted your alterations, I get ...."SourceTableName =
". When I click yes, I get the 3421 Data Type conversion error.

Thanks again,

Douglas J Steele

Sorry, are you saying that message box didn't have a name for the table to
be created?


Yes, that is correct. It is blank, nothing after the equals sign. I thought
maybe it need a reference to DAO 3.51, didn't work.

Douglas J Steele

Well, not having data would certainly explain why your code isn't working!

If your listbox contains the names of the tables in the back-end database,
why are you removing the first 9 characters from each name? Mid(Me.List0,


I know, I don't get it?? The form listbox is populated with all the server
tables. The first 9 characters are is the server prefix (like dbo_).

So what could it be?

Douglas J Steele

Hold on. You're using a list box. What is its MultiSelect property set to?
It must be None in order to refer to the list box like that and get a value

Douglas J. Steele

No, as I said, it has to be set to None in order to work. I was really
hoping it wasn't! <g>


Well, bummer. The website to download the Access database (FormsandData.mdb)
with form and Code is at, if you are still interseted in
solving this mystery. (I hope you are.)

Douglas J Steele

Since I won't be able to connect to the external database to get the list of
tables, that won't be of much use to me.


Looked at Can't find the mdb or a link to download it. Also
getting a lot of 404 and 500 errors.

What page do I goto to download the FormsandData.mdb?


Go to Rob's for Dummies Books and click. The db is in Item #6. Yes, the
website is giving those errors for the ADO links I have sent an email to
author regarding.

Any help you can give Steve would be great!


I looked at the mdb. I don't have access to SQL server so I attached to
Northwind.mdb on my G:\ drive.

The form_load() code fills the list box; I have to assume that the list box
gets filled when it attachs to SQL server.

I would do the trimming of the table names in the Form_Load() code:

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim DBS As Database
Dim Tbl As TableDef
Dim Tablelist As String

Set DBS = OpenDatabase("MSAtoSQL", _
dbDriverNoPrompt, False, _
For Each Tbl In DBS.TableDefs
Tablelist = Tablelist & Mid(Tbl.Name, 10) & ";"
With Me.List0
.RowSourceType = "Value List"
.RowSource = Tablelist
End With

Set DBS = Nothing
End Sub

Now the list box should contain a list of the tables.

Run this code from the command button:

Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim Lnk As TableDef
Dim strList As String

strList = Me.List0
MsgBox "Table name selected from the list box is: " & strList

'Set Lnk = CurrentDb.CreateTableDef(strList)
'Lnk.SourceTableName = strList
'Lnk.Connect = "ODBC;DSN=MSAToSQL;UID=apd;PWD=dummies"
'CurrentDb.TableDefs.Append Lnk
'DoCmd.OpenTable strList
End Sub

If the message box returns the correct table name, then uncomment the last 5 lines.

Set a breakpoint at the line "Set Lnk = ..." and step thru to see if/where an
error occurs.

If you can't get a value from Me.List0 in the Command2_Click() code, you
obviously can't link/open the table.

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