Hi Norm:
Yes, that's all correct...
Remember back to our explanation of the "Formatting Table" at the end of the
document below the last paragraph where you can't see it?
Remember I said each set of formatting was a "style". The style itself is a
row in the table. And that the styles you create have names? The names are
in column 1 of the table, and the name of the style its "Based On" is in
Column 2.
Each other property set in the style is in a different column.
The "value" of each property is either "blank" or a number. If it's blank,
the setting for that property (for example: the leading) is being obtained
from the "Based On" style. If a value is specified (say, "10 pt") then
that's the value that will be used.
So once you have set the value of any property in a style, you have broken
the inheritance chain for that property.
If you have a chain of styles, the inheritance will work on each property
down the chain until it comes to the first row where you have intervened and
changed a property. Once you change a property, everything in the chain
below the style in which you made the change will get the changed value.
If you then make a change to a property in the top style in the chain, that
change will inherit down only as far the first style in the chain where you
manually set the property. The value in the top style will not affect the
changed style, or anything below it.
It's like a daisy chain: remove a daisy and you now have two independent
However: Any properties you have NOT changed will continue to inherit from
the top style.
Hi John:
Thanks much.
That looks, sounds, is an easier set up to remember.
So a question on changing the base style in an inheritance chain.
As per my original question in this thread, I set up my Body Text
without leading (bt1) and linked my list paragraphs, my list continue
paragraphs, my multi-level list paragraphs, etc. to it thinking I
shouldn't have a leading defined in that top style. I defined (sometimes
leaving it at zero) leading as preferred in each of those other styles.
Then for my day to day docs I created bt2 with the leading that I
normally use.
Now, to follow your approach/recommendation, I'm going to change bt1 to
include my leading and thus eliminate bt2.
In testing one or two styles which inherited from bt1, it appears that
even though I changed the leading in bt1 the leading in those linked
paragraph styles were not affected. That was what I wanted to have
happen but want to make sure that that makes sense. In other words, I
changed the leading on the "top" style but the leading on those linked
did not change and remained how I originally defined them.
Make sense?
Is that how the inheritance flows or doesn't flow as was the case in
this situation?
Thank you,
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John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. | Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410
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