Douglas said:
You can link a single front-end to as many back-ends as you like.
However, each linked table must have a unique name. If backend1 and backend2
both have tables named tblPartyPlanner, you'll have to give one of them a
different name in your front-end. In other words, that SQL can only update
the table in a single back-end.
What exactly are you hoping to do?
Thanks Douglas.
I'm trying to get an exact copy of a transaction saved to another
computer in another database. The problem with making a backup is that
it's ok for the end of the day but I need this backup or copy during the
day, while the database is running. I think the only way to get a copy
a record while running would be this way, because shuting down the
databse is out of the question. Perhaps I should have used a true
client/server db but at this point I'm so far I thought by
linking this could be done without having to record every single line!!!
So I guess this is it ???
Dim PartySQL As String
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
PartySQL = "UPDATE tblPartyPlanner " & _
"SET tblPartyPlanner.PartyDone = 0 " & _
"WHERE tblPartyPlanner.PartyID = " & _
DoCmd.RunSQL (PartySQL)
Dim Party2SQL As String
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
Party2SQL = "UPDATE tblPartyPlanner2 " & _
"SET tblPartyPlanner2.PartyDone = 0 " & _
"WHERE tblPartyPlanner2.PartyID = " & _
DoCmd.RunSQL (Party2SQL)
DoCmd.SetWarnings True DoCmd.SetWarnings True
I would do this and link the tables or linking no longer neccasary?
If I don't link then I would code the second part differently?
(Confused as all heck!)