Linking tasks across projects



How do I link tasks horizontally acoss projects?
We have a lot of subproject created from templates - and the sub
project managers need to link to tasks or milestones in one anothers
Is that possible?

Sara - EPM

Hi Lene,

There are several methods of creating links across different projects.

I prefer using the New Windows method.

Open Project 1 and 2. Within either projects, go to your menu Window, New
Window. Select the projects you want to create links across. This will
create a new 3rd window with the two projects you selected. Note the ID
numbers and how they change from project to project. Link your tasks as you
would normally.

When you are finished, close out of the 3rd window withOUT saving. Within
either Projects 1 or 2, you will see a gray task; click on the gray task and
it should open the linked task in the other project.

Save and close both projects.

I hope this helps.


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