Linking the numbering of one style to another style



I have an outline heading for my Chapters, so that Style
1 creates "Chapter 1, Chapter 2 etc..."; Style 2 is
linked to the first style and creates sections 1.1; 1.2;
1.3; etc..; Style 3 is linked to both the above syles
and creates 1.1.1; 1.1.2; 1.1.3 etc.

In each of these chapters there are various figures and

I would like to automatically link these figures and
tables to Style 1 so that the first figure in chapter 1
becomes automatically numbered as "Figure 1.1", the
second "Figure 1.2". In chapter 2, I would like the
figures to commence "Figure 2.1", then "Figure 2.2".
The same for tables(i.e. in Chapter 1, I would like the
first table to be called "Table 1.1." and in Chapter 3
for the first Table to be called "Table 3.1")

Does anyone know how to make this happen?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

In the Caption dialog, click on the Numbering... button and then check the
box for "Include chapter number."


Thanks for that advice, however my heading styles
customized to be named CQ Heading 1 etc. and there does
not appear to be a way to list these custom styles in the
drop down list that is available for this. Is there a
way to make them appear in the drop down list, or
alternatively do you know of another way that I can set
up outline styles for figures and tables which might work?


I should also add that it is important that both Figures
and Tables are able to be automatically generated into my
Table of Contents. I am not yet sure if Captions does
this or not ...

Shauna Kelly


This is one good reason to use the built-in heading styles. For 14 other
good reasons, see:

Why use Microsoft Word's built-in heading styles?

You can, however, get around this and create "chapter numbering" for your
figures. First, Tools > Options > View. Set Field Shading to "Always". You
can turn this off later if you don't like it, but in the mean time all
fields will display as shaded. This helps you see what is a field and what
is not.

In your document, insert a caption as usual. You will see that "Figure " is
plain text. Following it is a field. Immediately before the field, type
ctrl-F9. In between the braces that Word gives you, type STYLEREF "CQ
Heading 1" . You need the quotes around the style name, so it looks
something like
{ STYLEREF "CQ Heading 1" }

After your new field, type a full stop to go between the chapter number and
the figure number.

Shift-F9 toggles between displaying field codes and field results. F9 will
update one field, or ctrl-a and then F9 to update all fields in the file.
You can't type the braces by hand; you must do ctrl-F9 and type within the
braces Word gives you.

To avoid having to go through this routine for every figure number, you
could create an AutoText of the STYLREF field to insert it quickly.

However.... if you're thinking about having page numbering that includes
chapter numbering (eg "Page 1.1, Page 1.2..."), then you must use the
built-in heading styles and follow the instructions at

I want to include the chapter number with the page number in the Header -
how can I do this?

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

Shauna Kelly


If you want figures and tables in the Table of Contents, then add the style
that you have applied to figure and table captions to the Table of Contents.
By default, Word uses the Caption style for captions. To add it to the TOC,
do Insert > Reference > Index and Tables. On the Table of Contents tab,
click Options and put an appropriate level number next to the Caption style.

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Alternatively, if you want a Table of Figures, Word can create this
automatically. A List of Tables can be created in similar fashion.


Hi Shauna,
First I would like to thank you and Suzanne for taking the time to respond
to my query. I've tried what you suggested but it is not working.

What I really want (if it is possible) is to not use Captions at all for my
figures and tables. I would prefer to create a new style (e.g. CQ Figures).
But it needs to be able to understand that it is a level 2 heading with the
level one heading being CQ Heading 1. I'm not sure this is possible.

The problem with using captions (other than the fact that I can't get it to
number correctly) is that I do not have enough control of the formatting.
For example I want my Tables to state Table X.X in plain text then a return
and the title of the table to be in italics underneath.
For the figures, I want it to state Fibure X.X in italics, then a space and
on the same line for the title to be in plain text.

Table 1.1
This is the heading of this table which would appear in italics.

Figure 1.1 The title of the figure would appear here and only the word
Figure and the numbers would be italicised.

I'm sure I'm growing grey hairs trying to get this happening ....


OK I have managed to make it all work the way I wanted it to. I have set up
a style called "CQ Figure" and have managed to now link it to the "CQ Heading
1" style. I have no idea why it wouldn't work the way it should have, but in
the end, I simply made a 'new style' which was based on my 'CQ Heading 2'
style and kept the level 1 settings and just changed the level 2 settings.

Thank you for all your help.


Well I spoke too soon.
It appears that it is impossible to link more than one style to any other in

When I did manage to link the Figures style to My Heading level 1 style ,
then I lost all numbering for Heading level 2. When I fixed Heading level 2,
the numbering for Figures went haywire.

I still can't get the captions thing to work ....

I guess it will just have to be manually done.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You can modify the Caption style. Alternatively, after the caption has been
produced, you can apply another style (which won't affect the numbering,
which is generated by a SEQ field). You can also insert line breaks, apply
direct formatting, etc.

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