Donna in Idaho \(remove invalid\)
How do you link the thumbnails in a Photo Gallery to the full sized
pictures? In Plotkin's book "How to do everything with MS FrontPage 2003"
he says you can, just doesn't say how (or if he does, I can't find it).
I built my website with FP2000, have upgraded to FP 2003 and now I'm trying
to update my website.
Donna in Idaho
Project Linus Boise/SW Idaho Coordinator
Website: http://donnakwilts.tripod.com/
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pictures? In Plotkin's book "How to do everything with MS FrontPage 2003"
he says you can, just doesn't say how (or if he does, I can't find it).
I built my website with FP2000, have upgraded to FP 2003 and now I'm trying
to update my website.
Donna in Idaho
Project Linus Boise/SW Idaho Coordinator
Website: http://donnakwilts.tripod.com/
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