A link to any domain from any subdomain must be an absolute link:
In code view:
<a href="
http://www.example.com/pagename.htm">link from page in subdomain to
pagename in example.com</a>
In the same way, a link from a domain to a subdomain will also have to be
<a href="
http://tests.example.com/pagename.htm">link to page in tests
In both cases, the http:// is very important - without it the links will
"change the FP web folder to a sub web" - I assume this means make the
subdomain folder a subweb - or are you intending to place content for the
new domain in a subweb of your existing site?
In either case, the links described above will have to be used.
Note that when publishing to your subweb you have to publish to the subweb,
not to the subdomain or new domain (depending on what you meant).
Ron Symonds
Microsoft MVP (Expression Web)
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