Linking to AS/400



I have linked tables in an Access database. Since these
tables are linked, I have the capability to write back to
the AS/400. Is there a way to make those links read only?

Joe Fallon

Many years ago I had the same problem.
As I recall, the ODBC driver I used had some settings in it that allowed it
to be configured as Read Only.
(A knowledgable user can easily defeat this but....)

If a table does not have a PK then it is read only.
But you probably don't want to remove those!!

However, during the link, if you are asked to provide a Unique Record
Identifier - don't.
The table will be read only.
(User can defeat this to by creating a fake index in Access.)

Perhaps you can create unindexed views and link to them instead of the
They might be read only.
(User may figure out the underlying table and link directly though.)

It is pretty tough to ensure a read only table STAYS read-only.

Good luck!

Let me know which strategy you picked!

Joe Fallon

One other idea from the SQL Server world:
Create a user account with limited permissions on the tables in question.
(in SQL Server the account only has SELECT permissions which makes the
tables read only for that account.)

Link to the Server using that account.
The tables will be read only.

(A knowledgeable user may have a "real" account and still defeat this
solution by re-linking the tables with the other account.)

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