'Got to do a little guessing here:
I'm assuming you want a link on a webpage to start a flash file when
clicked; if true, give this a try.
Need to know the website address, flash file name and not having them, some
I'll use
www.yoursite.com for your website and apple_pie.flv for the flash
Here we go:
Create a folder on the host server, in your website files location named
Upload apple_pie.flv into the downloads folder.
Now edit your website files to include something like (with Publisher, open
your website pub file)
All are welcome to get a gift to make this Christmas a memorable one.
With the mouse, highlite the word gift
Now select Insert, Hyperlink
In the Hyperlink box type
do an OK
Save, upload the new website files and better get busy baking apple pies.
Merry Christmas
BTW: the folder, "downloads" was added to ensure the flash file wouldn't get
accidentally removed when replacing the website files. Also, is a good
place for any additional files you wish to make available for your visitors.