Linking to SQL Server



I've created a database with Access 97 and had problems
with concurrency. The database was upgraded to Access
2002 and since then we haven't connected concurrently.

Does Access 2002 provide good concurrency protection?

If not, would exporting the database into SQL Server 2000
work when used with a link back to Access 2002?

Mary Chipman

Good concurrency isn't something that's built into the engine, it's
something you design in your table schema. Normalizing your tables so
that users aren't editing the same row in the same table at the same
time works no matter what the engine is. Fetching only needed data to
keep result sets small and elmininating pessimistic locking also
helps. If you have one table and multiple users all editing the same
record at the same time then you'll have problems with any engine.
Switching engines is never a cure for inadequate design, and in the
case of porting an inefficient Access app to SQL Server, it has often
been found to make concurrency problems worse, not better, since there
is increased overhead involved with SQL Server.


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