Linking two spreadsheet, pulling data from one cell to another, data is being truncated



I've got a spreadsheet setup that reads data from another
spreadsheet. Each time I open my spreadsheet, it asks if I want to
update values and I say yes. The problem I'm having is it is
truncating values of text being pulled in. If I open up the second
spreadsheet, it seems to correct itself.

I've got one to many spreadsheets setup, so opening each one is not
really an option. Is there anything I can do to force it to read
correctly? Something from the master spreadsheet that is reading from
the others.

Sample formula used is as follows:

='\\Casnrm1cdfile05\sbcis_it_qc\Weekly Status Reports\Project Folders
by Lead\Ghafouri\[August Oracle 10G.xls]Weekly Status Report'!$I$9:$K


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