Linking Visio and Excel



Hi, I have created a diagram of servers using Visio. Right now, I have it
set up so each server on a rack links to it's information in an Excel
spreadsheet. However, when I changed the spreadsheet (organized it
differently) I noticed that my information no longer lined up correctly since
it was linked to the cells and not the information. Is there a way to link
it directly to information so that the link will direct me right to the
information associated with the shape and not just specific cells?


Al Edlund

Unfortunately it sounds like you've discovered why DBA's get paid so much.
Data schemes tend to be field name related, so changing names usually
requires going back to the applications that used them and reassociating the
fields with the targets. The question is, when you say you "linked by cells"
were you using absolute (i.e. a:a1) or column names. v2007 uses excel as a
datarecordset so that if the column names remained the same it shouldn't
matter if you move them around.

Short answer Visio links by field name and you probably have to update what
you did there

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