linking worksheets



How can i link to an entire worksheet in another workbook, so tha
changes may be made to the worksheet ragerdless of which workboo
containing the sheet is opened?


If I understand what you're asking for, it can't be done.

You want Workbook1 to have a sheet in it named Sheet1
Then in Workbook2 you also want a sheet named Sheet1
(and actually the sheet names could be different)
And then if you make a change in Workbook1, Sheet1 you want those
changes to show up in Workbook2, on Sheet1

and at the same time you want it so that if you go the other way,
Make change in Workbook2, Sheet1 and have them
show up in Workbook1, Sheet1

You're trying to set up a closed loop. You can have one sheet in one book
echo the content of another sheet in another book, but you can't have 2
sheets in 2 books each trying to reference/change one another in mirror

Besides if you do that, which one becomes the 'master' copy? Without one or
the other as being the source master, you'd quickly lose control of the whole
thing: you make a change in one workbook, I make a change in the other ...
who's change do you accept/use?

I can think of some exceptions to what I've said and even some work-arounds,
but a lot of that would depend on how you plan on using all of this. If you
are trying to have two (or more) people in separate locations be able to
update the information in one workbook, then you might look into sharing a
single workbook. Look under Help in Excel and search for
Share a Workbook
you'll find instructions for setting that up there.


ok thanks for the info, i was hoping excel would have something simila
to Access where you can link to external table(s


The problem with Excel is that linking is a one-way street, not a two way
street like it is with Access.

In an Excel cell you can basically either have a formula or a value. A
formula can be a link to someplace in another workbook (to get information
from there and display it in the cell of the book you are looking at). But
the moment you type something into that cell, you just erased the link and
replaced it with 'hard coded' something or other.

Also, closed workbooks aren't updated until they are opened. And for some
functions in a workbook to operate properly, both workbooks have to be open
at the same time. It's a mixed up world <g>

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