Hi Donald,
Pardon me for bumping in here. You have two messages -- one about
accepting external predecessor/successor changes and one about a
scheduling conflict.
The message about accepting external predecessor/successor changes
is designed to alert you to potential changes in the external tasks
which are driving the schedule of tasks in your project. If you are
seeing this message every time you open the project, I would assume
your external project schedule is changing. If you want to blanket
accept all changes without having the opportunity to review the
changes (I don't recommend this), you can turn off the notification
by unchecking "Show links between Projects dialog on open" on the
View tab in Tools > Options.
The scheduling conflict is most likely due to constraints in your
project. If you have set a Must Start on, Must Finish On, Start no
Later than or Finish no later than -- and your schedule has shifted
to the point where you would violate one of those constraints,
Project will alert you. I suggest filtering your project looking
for constrained tasks (use "Task with Fixed Dates") and review the
task list. The need to either revise the constraints or revise the
schedule leading to the constrained tasks.
I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.
Project MVP
http://project.mvps.org/ for the FAQs and additional
information about Microsoft Project