Links between Schedule



I have created an mpp file and linked it to all the milestones from my other
schedules in Project Server. Before I import this schedule into PS, is there
anything I should look out so it does not corrupt my schedules or possibly
cause other problems due to the links. Your help is greatly appreaciated.


Jonathan Sofer [MVP]

1) Make sure all the plans with inter plan dependencies to each other are
open in Project Professional and connected to the server.
2) 1 by 1, do a File>Save As and save the plans to the server. Leave the
saved plans open as well.
3) Once all plans have been converted onto the server, the links will have
been updated correctly and now it is safe to close all the schedules.

You will see that each time you save a plan to a new location like onto the
server, it will automatically update all your cross plan dependency links


Thanks for the reply. I wasn't very clear on my request. All my schedules
are in Project Server except the "Master Schedule" which is an mpp file. As
the links are already established and work, should I anticipate any problems
if I move the "Master Schedule" into Project Server? I use PS2003.

Once again, thanks for all your help.


Jonathan Sofer [MVP]

If the master schedule which is currently and mpp has all plans embedded in
it from the server then saving the mpp to the server as a master should be

MSPS 2003 has problems with publishing masters to PWA. I would make sure
that no masters can be published to PWA by setting the options under the
Admin section to allow masters to be saved but not published.


Thanks for your help.

Jonathan Sofer said:
If the master schedule which is currently and mpp has all plans embedded in
it from the server then saving the mpp to the server as a master should be

MSPS 2003 has problems with publishing masters to PWA. I would make sure
that no masters can be published to PWA by setting the options under the
Admin section to allow masters to be saved but not published.

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