Links destinations are changed!




I have a shared Excel file which my colleague Maryam makes link in the some
cells to other files (word documents). It was perfect until the time that
the Excel become blocked unlogically (we closed the file but still it was
blocked by unknown user "A.B" who doesn't exist). I thought if I cut the file
and paste it on my desktop and then to move it on the server it will be
fixed. Well, the Excel file was not blocked any more but we have now a big
problem: all links addresses are changed to my desktop as destination.

I don't know how I can fixed it? Is it any way that I repair the links
sothat they will lead to server instead of my desktop? I can't face to Maryam
as she have to spend a lot of time as my bad solution!

Please help me.
Thanks in Advance

Ken Wright

Edit / Links / Select Links in question and choose the "Change Source"
option. Now just navigate to original link source.




Thank you, but Link option in Edit menu is disactive and I can't choose it.
How can I make it active?


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